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Jerry Charlton

  • June 2023 Calgary Real Estate Stats

    June 2023 Calgary Real Estate Stats Sellers Market remains strong in Calgary. Buyers are bidding prices higher as they fight for a home in Calgary’s low inventory housing market. Mortgage fine print concerning mortgage portability and payout penalties could help with the low inventory situation. Lots of would-be sellers are anchored to…

  • Stay Healthy, Your Life Depends On It

    Stay Healthy – Your Life Depends on It In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life and neglect our health. However, maintaining good health is crucial, as our lives depend on it. From physical well-being to mental and emotional stability, prioritizing our…

  • How to Sell a Home Without Using a Calgary Realtor®

    How to Sell a Home Without Using a Calgary Realtor® So, How do you Sell a Home Without Using a Calgary Realtor®? Selling a home without using a Realtor® in Calgary, Alberta, can be a daunting task, but with proper preparation and a clear plan, you can save thousands of dollars in…

  • 11 Reasons to Invest in Calgary Real Estate

    Strong economy: Calgary has a robust economy that is diversified across various sectors, including energy, finance, technology, and healthcare. This provides investors with a stable and lucrative market to invest in. Growing population: Calgary’s population is growing at a steady pace, and this translates to a high demand for housing. As a…

  • Finding Great Tenants Checklist

    Finding Great Tenants Checklist Here is a checklist that can be used to find high-quality tenants for your Calgary Rental Properties. Create a detailed rental application form: A comprehensive rental application form can help you gather all the necessary information about potential tenants, including their employment, income, credit history, and rental history.…

  • Moving to Calgary?

    Are You Moving To Calgary? Calgary, located in the Canadian province of Alberta, has been experiencing a significant influx of people in recent years. The city has a population of approximately 1.3 million people, making it the fifth-largest city in Canada. There are several reasons why so many people are choosing to…

  • Data Driven Calgary Real Estate Investing

    Looking to invest in Calgary’s residential real estate market? Don’t let your gut feelings lead the way! Data-driven investing is the key to unlocking the full potential of your investment. By analyzing supply and demand trends in the market, you can identify profitable opportunities and make informed decisions that maximize your returns.…

  • The Top 10 Reasons To Live In Calgary

    The Top 10 Reasons To Live In Calgary according to ChapGPT ChatGPT says these are the top 10 reasons to live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. As a long-time homeowner and resident, I don’t disagree. I have written every other article on this website. Now, I’m going to give ChatGPT a chance to…

  • Invest in Real Estate Without Becoming a Landlord

    Invest In Real Estate without becoming a landlord. The stock market is filled with many ways of investing in real estate without becoming a landlord. New investment opportunities are added daily! So, would you like to invest in real estate without becoming a landlord? Stock Market Real Estate Investment opportunities are very…