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The Best Calgary Communities For Real Estate Investors in 2022 is Your Choice

The Best Calgary Communities for Real Estate Investors are the ones that check the most boxes for you and your investment objectives.

  • Property Appreciation
    • Inner City Calgary, South West, North West, Areas of Transition
  • Positive Monthly Cash Flow
    • North East, could be anywhere based on mortgage financing
  • Mortgage Pay Down
    • Non-Cash Monthly Profit
  • Low Tenant Turn-Over
    • Near Universities have a higher turn offer rate
  • Strong Rental Demand
    • Single Family Houses near large employment centers
  • Stable Rental Income
    • Single Family homes in low supply create stable rent rates
  • Easy Access to Calgary Transit
    • Light Rail Transit Station is better than a bus stop
  • Close Proximity to Major Calgary Employment Centers
    • Industrial Parks, Airport, Office Buildings, Hospitals, Shopping Centers, Schools
  • Good inventory of Target Investment Property Types
    • depends on the Calgary Resale Home Market, which is constantly changing like the Rental Market

Property Appreciation – What goes up?

Property Appreciation is a term used to describe the rising value of a property. If you buy a property for $400,000 and its value goes up to $500,000, you have $100,000 in property appreciation.

Property appreciation is mostly an increase in “Land Value.” Inner City land, as a general rule, goes up quicker than land under those new homes on the outskirts of the city.

“Land goes up in value, and structures built on the land go down in value.” That is the general rule subject to mean very little on outlier properties.

South West Calgary properties have a stronger appreciation than North East Calgary. North East Calgary has better Monthly Cash Flow than North West or South West Calgary.

Positive Monthly Cash Flow – Income left after expenses

Rental Income left over from your tenant after you pay the mortgage, taxes and insurance will be either positive or negative monthly cash flow.

Need money monthly? You need positive cash flow from your investments.

Are you ok with cashing out at a later date? Then property appreciation should be your guide to investing.

Do you want both positive cash flow and property appreciation? That is possible as well.

The Home Rental Market in Calgary changes with supply and demand.

Calgary overall could be a Tenant’s Market. And a community right next door to a hospital could be a landlord’s market. The home rental market is a supply-and-demand market like any other. The market will be either a Tenant’s, Landlords or a Balanced Market. Over time the rental market will experience all three.

A popular saying amongst Calgary Real Estate Investors is “Timing The Market is not as important as Time IN The Market.

Calgary Alberta

The Best Calgary Communities For Real Estate Investors Could Be Anywhere in The City. It’s Your Choice!

Calgary Community MLS Map
Calgary Community Map

Finding a Rental Property is the Easy Part – Finding The Right Tenants is Harder, but the Key to Boring Successful Real Estate Investing in Calgary, Alberta Canada.

We can help you find and buy great rental properties. We can also guide you in selecting great tenants!

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